How about making a hub title / system that is given to people with bad internet connection so they dont get falsely accused of hacking
one of my family member has minecraft but with bad internet connecton he got banned twice for lagging aand he didn’t even cheat or anything. and i just dont want to see anymore people getting falsely accused of hacking cause of bad internet connection. i hope this idea will be implemented in the hive so that anyone with bad connection doesnt get falsely accused of cheating/hacking
please remember that not all people is rich enough to just upgrade their wifi, its not easy as that. Please vote to help a player with bad internet connection
Sure why not, I don’t really care what the hub title said. I just want an indicator for people with bad internet connection so my family member or other people with bad internet dont get falsely accused of cheating/hacking
If i can i would try that, but most of the time the hive anticheat just ban you randomly before you get to say im lagging/im not hacking. So maybe having a hub title that can tell you have bad internet will be helpful
But that doesnt do anything for the anticheat, it will probably still ban you if you have the hub title. also this seems like a bug, report it in Server Bug Reports .
I just want some ways to make the hive understand that people with the hub title has bad internet so they can unban them if they got banned for lagging. I’ve seen many people got banned for lagging and i don’t want that to keep happening
I know people getting banned falsely just because of their lag but how are people gonna see other people’s hub titles in game, you can’t even see it in game lobby’s. So how would giving a hub title work exactly?
Well you’re kinda right, but this is still just an idea. It could be anything else other than hub title, i just want a system that help people with bad internet connection so they can play in the hive without the fear of getting falsely accused of cheating/hacking just because of their bad internet
One of my family member is now too afraid to play on the hive because of the fear getting falsely accused of cheating/hacking because of their bad internet. And i know its not just my family member who’s experience this
I mean you can’t see hub titles in game and you’re only getting reported in game. Also the anti cheat system would still ban you even if you have some title saying that you lag