Hard Mode on Deathrun

Hard Mode on Deathrun

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A hard mode would make it to where players who find Deathrun right now really easy and want a harder challenge. This way players who find normal Deathrun will not be affected.

The hard mode could make parkour, traps, and maps more difficult. It could try to duplicate java maps (if possible)

I don’t personally play DeathRun all the time, but I am familiar with the game itself, however, this idea I’m not sure I fully agree with. In-order for it to not effect normal games there would need to be 2 versions of DeathRun that players have to choose from and by splitting the community between 2 different modes it would ultimately take longer to start sometimes and make some people upset / angry that their favorite game is taking longer than normal to start. Truly, DeathRun itself is a gamemode that changes every round depending on how the Death’s play because some make it harder than others which loops around to your idea already. I understand why you’d suggest this but I’m not really sure it’s needed right now in my opinion.

I look forward to seeing what others say :slight_smile:


I don’t really know who would play this, most good dr players start trying to speedrun the maps. Also, you can’t even avoid a decent chunk of the traps right now(besides baiting the death), so what do you mean by making them harder?

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i would defiantly, it’s fun playing a annoying challenge

I’ve been looking at a few java speedruns and the maps there look a lot more complx, so i would like to see maps like those in a harder mode


One way they could make the maps harder would be to port the java maps over exactly how they are instead of modifying them to be easier.

Teaspiller does bring up a good point about splitting the player base tho

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IMO I feel like this would die faster than GI

I’d play this, maybe explain how to make it more difficult.