GW Mega (4 teams)


There would be four teams, each would face off individually and whichever team has the most collective kills wins.

More information:

I think we can all agree that groundwars needs an update. I had the idea for a GW Mega, and I made a concept build to explain how it would work.

Each team would go against all 3 of the other teams seperately, with one 15 second build phase and one 60 sec fight phase (meaning one round lasts max 75 sec, and the whole game lasts max 3 min 45 sec). The territory expansion mechanics would work the same as normal gw, so if one team beats another team before the time is up they spectate until the next round.

The glass barriers change between rounds, and in the round where blue goes against red and yellow goes against green, the players teleport to a new map that would allow them to do so.

I think this would satisfy the need for an update, and it’s a pretty cool concept! Please consider adding it, and thanks for reading!

So… three games of Ground Wars, but each game is only one round?
Does anything carry over between rounds, like lines of turf or blocks placed?
Is there a point to being able to see the other two teams battle?

When I saw the concept map, I got a lot of cool ideas about how this game would work. But because of the barriers, none of them could even exist.

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I can see how there would be a few problems with the idea, and the barriers being made of glass are arbitrary, then again it’s just an idea and I’ve never been great at these things so idk

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Alright, I’ll tell you the ideas I had about this suggestion.

First of all, there wouldn’t be barriers. That way there’s actually a point to having more than 2 teams.
Here’s how that would work:

When a player on team A kills a player on team B, any blocks of team B that are adjacent to blocks of team A will be converted into team A’s blocks.

Any blocks of team B directly diagonal to blocks of team A and adjacent to 2 blocks that would be converted due to the reason above will be converted into team A’s blocks.

Those rules are probably pretty confusing so here’s a model of a short game.

The game

The floor starts like this.
4 Teams GW 1

Then red gets 2 kills on yellow and blue gets 2 kills on green.
4 Teams GW 2

Then red gets 2 kills on blue.
4 Teams GW 3
For the second kill, the pink shows the adjacent blocks that get converted, and the white shows the diagonal block that gets converted.

Then red gets 2 more kills on blue.
4 Teams GW 4

Finally, red gets 2 kills on green,
yellow gets a kill on red,
and then blue gets a kill on yellow.
4 Teams GW 5

Second, the floor should be around 96x96 blocks(6 chuncks^2). Your concept map seems to be about half that length & width, but I guess you want the map bigger too.

I can elaborate more on the first idea but that’s all I have to say now.