Guaranteed Teammate Matching (Duos)

In preparations for the upcoming Just Build mini-update, I would to give address an issue that many players experience especially in low-player count regions.

For a long time, duos has been a struggle for new players when lobbies with 12 or less players, as it mostly results to them playing solo especially when the player isn’t in a party, and I have seen many new and average players complain that they didn’t get a teammate. So, I’d like to propose a potential idea that may help with this issue, which is “Guaranteed Teammate Matching”.

The concept is simple, instead of the game trying to make 12 different plots for the overall players in the lobby, the game will instead focus on making pairs so that everyone can have a teammate.
Now I know this would mean in a 6 player lobby, it would result in all players winning as there are only 3 plots with this idea. To fix this, I would suggest that instead of 6 players being required to start the game, I would change it to 12. This would help ensure a fair amount of competition.

Now, this idea isn’t perfect, such as if a lobby has a odd number of players (7,9,11,etc.) but I mentioned it as I really want to help Just Build to be a much more fun experience. That’s all for this topic, and I do hope this helps. Thanks for reading!

RyndelCool (The #3 player [As of this post] in the all-time leaderboard in Just Build)

THANK YOU i was JUST abot to post this lol

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yeah, someone made a post on the same issue for sg a while back

When did they announce that?

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noone announced it, someone just suggested it. I cant find it tho so youre on your own for that lol

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omg yeeees i neeed this update i have littaraly never had a duo happen to me on duos.

They said the upcoming jb mini update

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I did mention upcoming update, but what I’m saying here is just an idea they could add for this update, so there its not guaranteed to be added.

Unless this idea is accepted by them (Which seems to be not the case as of this reply)