This isn’t a post to add more stuff in the waiting lobby, it’s to remove it. Now before you instantly move past this post, let me explain my thoughts process first.
First of all, there’s nothing to do in it, and no players to talk to while waiting. With the addition of microhubs they could try removing the lobby for groundwars. Microhubs are much more alive and have a lot more stuff to do than waiting lobbies.
What is the point of this?
Simply to stuff to do while waiting for a lobby to fill. It would have more players than a waiting lobby with more room to do different things. Check out levels, compare stats, parkour, and possibly some target practice(s).
Why not just add stuff to do in the waiting lobby?
Microhubs have a lot more possibilities of things to add, and allow for more players to talk to while waiting. Check out levels, compare stats, parkour, and possibly some target practice(s).
How would this work?
Once you join the queue you will have a map vote item appear in your inventory, an item to check who’s all in this queue with you, and a leave queue item. Once the queue gets filled up, you’ll have 5 seconds before voting ends and you load into the map.