A lot of experienced players can complete games of Gravity with absolutely no challenge; so what if there was a harder version?
Impossible mode could be unlocked after reaching level 5 or 10 (so new players don’t think “hey, I’m very good, I should try the harder mode” right after joining the server)
Instead of the Easy, Medium, and Hard difficulties, the Impossible version could include the Hard maps and two new difficulties: Intense and Absurd.
Experience gain should also be boosted, because of the difficulty increase. I suggest the following XP gain for playing Impossible Mode:
Completing a map - 15XP
Completing a map without dying bonus - 8XP
Finishing in 1st place - 18XP
Finishing in 2nd place - 12XP
Finishing in 3rd place - 9XP
As suggested in the replies, this should be paired with an increase in max level (Gravity is already very easy to max, and a 50% XP boost from this mode would make it even easier)
This suggestion would make Gravity better to play and more fun for experienced players.
Hey bro I appreciate this cause maxed players who complete games in 50 seconds can try some new difficulties . But, as your xp chart if we get xp this will be useless for maxed players. So vote that so we can get more levels and enjoy the gravity.
This would be great! Even tho I am not great at Gravity this may help with boosting the playerbase- it may actually give a challenge to more experienced players.
This should be paired with increase of max level, and I know they usually do small jumps between adding a new max but with this they should probably go straight to 75 so the game can be played for longer.
The only problem is if we put it in a realistic sense- Gravity is suffering, and if all the pros move to this version Gravity will be a very dead gamemode. It doesn’t help that from what it looks like to me, Hive is dying down quite a bit.
I think this would be a great way to add a new challenge for the pros while the less skilled players like me can stay playing casual gravity without someone finishing in under 30 seconds. I would never touch impossible but i think it would be a good idea.
Alf does make some good points. The addition of a new mode will seperate different types of players, which is good, but with the way hive is now i think it could lead to long queues in both modes. If Hive’s player base miraculously doubles in size then this would work pretty well but for now it wouldn’t work.
Maybe they could do something like this with for hardcore players when bed wars releases like a sweat mode or something so skrims can fight against other skrims and more chill players can play against other chill players. Dont ask me why they would make 5 extra gamemodes just for this but hey it would make bed wars/treasure wars better.