Gravity Friend Stats Glitch

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or global):

What is the bug?
I wanted to check my friends Gravity stats, so I went into /leaderboard and pressed Gravity (which by the way is missing a picture) and then the Friend Leaderboard and pressed them but it was blank it just said “Player’s Standings:” (I tried the MM stats and it worked perfectly fine)(They had Just played Gravity)

Device(s) & Version
Fire 8 HD, 1.20.32

Screenshots and/or video:

Hey there :wave:

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue. Has anyone else experienced a similar issue? Also if we could have the gamertag of the stats you were tying to check that would be appreciated!

Spacebubble78 I think

Hey there :wave:

We believe this issue is fixed. If you experience any further problems please create another bug report.

Stay safe and well

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