Gravestone message

Now I know someone made something similar to this but I think it would be a great idea to add a timer to gravestones. When you click on a gravestone it tells you the time of how long ago they died, so it can give other players an advantage to see how close the murderer is, and if someone left the game it would just say “Disconnected” in red text, and if a sheriff shoots someone it would say “Sheriff Kill”. But I’m not sure if this would ruin the Murder “Mystery” part of the game.


I don’t think so this would ruin it. Its nice but Murder mystery maps are not huge so You could figure it out because the amount of player indicator decreasing. Also :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: welcome to Hive!


isn’t the player indicator only for the murderer?

Yes but its useless. It will not help you find innocents who are hiding

Welcome to the fourms! Here a star :star:

And this sounds like it would be interesting if it was added

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But this feature works for the innocence and murderer, because the murderer has a tracker at a certain amount of time to find innocence so I feel like there should be a feature for innocence.

I mean that is true. But lot of people camp or try to find coins to get more xp. When there are a lot of innocents left this feature would make it really hard for the murderer to win.