Golden Touch Pickaxe

A Pickaxe that whatever you mine turns to gold! Or just one that gives you OP
gold items/armor.

It could be a weekly item or just a really rare pickaxe.

Might be a cool idea.
Let me know what you think!
:coin: :coin: :coin:

While this is a great idea, I don’t really see the point of it. Regular gold items aren’t in skyward currently, and they aren’t really a good diamond alternative. Remember you can vote for your own post, though!


I was possibly of the armor having protection 10 or five but they don’t last.
Just a thought!

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Midas Lore.

The Midas touch maybe

But @PickledDucky is right, it doesn’t make much sense in SkyWars, other than to be used as a punishment. Maybe if you gave it a more practical use I would vote. But for now I think my answer is negative. I’m sorry bro.


I think maybe as an event like, “The Gold Event” or something like that would be cool. (I’m horrible at names by the way!)
People who participated could get a special skin or something.
Just an idea though!

It could be, it could be…

Or it could be used as a joke, for April Fool’s.
Anyway, something will present itself. We’ll read each other later.

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What use would it bring tho

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as i first saw the title i thought oooooh apickaxe that one klicks every block but has 20 durability but your idea is cool tho in skywars theres no crafting! :upside_down_face: