Ghost Invasion Should Be Added

@SirPotatus stop like spamming pls

Groundwars was snow wars. Lol

Yeah, it was just a snow wars reskin but it also was an LTM during the spring

Block drop eas the spring ltm

Block drop was the Easter LTM last year, before that it was ground wars

Just look ground wars up on YouTube and you’ll see videos from April 2020, y’know SPRING

Same but for this.

This is a good idea any one saying “but it it it was a SeAsOnal LtM” is below average, because apparently your brain can’t figure out that ground wars is snow wars but with egg, or that block drop was also an ltm.

Maybe the ghosts could be replaced with wasps or something.


Wasp Invasion does have a good ring to it.


This is a good idea. I aggree woth this. And name as wasp invasion is just good aswell

In my opinion, I quite like having Ghost Invasion be an LTM for Halloween. I think it should stay that way to make it more unique and fun and it’s Halloween-themed too, so why change it.

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what i was thinking was at halloween time, they add ghost invasion to the regular hub, then after halloween they add it to arcade

Bump because i joined hive JUST after ghost invasion ended, so i never got to play it

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It will probably come back next year, don’t worry too much. :)


I had a similar idea! Outside of the Halloween season, it could be called Hive Invasion, the ghosts would be replaced by cubees and some of the maps could include “flower field” and “beehive”. I even made some arbitrary concept art because I love cubees <3


Ok! I’ll vote

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That’s what makes GI so fun tho: it’s an LTM and you get awesome rewards for playing :smile: as much as we all love that game, don’t you think it’d just become another Ground Wars in time?

I love GI and I’m so glad it comes back every year, but this way, it doesn’t get boring :blush:


It’s an LTM and you can play it right now!

Ok i have an idea. Creeper invasion. Ghosts are a bit halloweeny, but not creepers! Plus it fits well with the whole exploding thing.

And they could change it to ghost invasion when it’s halloween to call back to when it was an ltm (i would also love if they did this for ground wars and changed it to snow wars during the winter)


I really like it as an LTM. You can level up really fast and actually make quick progress when grinding. I also like all the new unlocks every year.


yeah but… i don’t want it to go :pleading:

It’s actually my new favorite game now

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I loved Ground Wars as an LTM, but now that it’s permanent I never play it. I have a feeling this will be the case for Ghost Invasion as well.