Ghost Invasion Should Be Added

Adding More Games

Add Ghost Invasion to the newest Hive Arcade Update!

Because i miss that game and it should be added to Hive Arcade

Its a really fun shooting game, surviving from ghosts, or denonating bombs as a ghost to kill humans. Thats why it should be added


We can play it on Halloween :ghost:


ghost invasion is a halloween ltm, so you can only play it around halloween time


Seems like they would add it to the arcade because they added snow wars which was the winter ltm. Unless they have a new ltm in mind for winter then they won’t make Ghost Invasion permanent. They also made their spring ltm, Blockdrop permanent so…

Most likely after blockparty gets released they will announce Ghost Invasion to be their next game for The Arcade!

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Ghost Invasion is a seasonal game for Halloween so it isnt gonna be added to the arcade as a permanent gamemode. Arcade has permanent gamemodes while games like Snow Wars and Ghost Invasion are LTM’s.

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Snow wars is ground wars, which ground wars is permanent. They only have one seasonal ltm that isn’t permanent now, which is Ghost Invasion. No reason to just have one seasonal ltm when the rest became permanent.

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but it’s not “snow” wars anymore so it’s not rlly a seasonal ltm rn


Well snow wars can never come back because then it would be too similar to groundwars

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Snow Wars is seasonal though, sure its very related to Ground Wars but that doesnt mean its completely the same.


Ground wars was a spring LTM, coz eggs

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Ground wars was a spring ltm but it was only renamed as snow wars for the winter ltm. Like I’ve said, if they don’t have a new winter ltm in mind then I dont see a problem with making Ghost Invasion permanent.


They probably would have to change it slightly since ghosts are much more Hallowe’en-y then chickens. Maybe just bombs instead?

Like this


I love that idea! What would be the name of the gamemode then? Just “Invasion,” I would say, “Bomber Invasion,” but that sounds weird

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idk i think just keeping the ghost invasion ltm as is, probably a good idea.


Projectiles I’ve seen

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@SirPotatus stop like spamming pls

Groundwars was snow wars. Lol

Yeah, it was just a snow wars reskin but it also was an LTM during the spring

Block drop eas the spring ltm

Block drop was the Easter LTM last year, before that it was ground wars

Just look ground wars up on YouTube and you’ll see videos from April 2020, y’know SPRING