Ghost Invasion 2024 Max Level Reward

So you know how last year the reward for maxxing Ghost Invasion was that ghost hat? That lovely blushing chap with a top hat? What if the reward for maxxing it this year was it as a pet? I know how close October is, and making this may be hard to do in time, but I think it’d be cute.

Credit to: @FireFox_onMC

The ghost hat is cool, it just has the problem with all hats (removing the 3d geometry, I’ll post a pic when I can :smiley:)

If a ghost pet was added you could be a ghost wearing a ghost with a ghost following you… voted


You didn’t vote for it…

hive stated that they likely wouldnt give out free pets or flying mounts, so this is unlikely. I do like the idea tho


Honestly it’s probably gunna be a backbling with a little cage of souls


A pet ghost would be really cool :sunglasses:

Here picture


If hive were to add a pet as max level reward, they should bring up the max level cap to 25-30 instead of 20 because 20 is really easy to get ( I remember seeing a guy named “killSteal ez” who had maxed gi of 2023 in the first day it came out)

IVE SEEN THAT GUY LIKES TO DESTROY ME IN SKYWARS CLASSIC I feel like the ghost should have a few less lives as well as the level upgrade :beedance: :ghost:

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i also fought him once lol…

BUMP cuz it’s Halloween soon…

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This is a cool idea, but we need some tweaks so it doesn’t make the players who got the pet pin pack feel like the ghost pet isn’t special. Here are some ideas:

1: change the model entirely to be different
2: model it like the mm ghosts, with a tint of green
3: just dont have it (just kidding)