Getting bed xps if player leaves

Recently, I’ve been playing a lot of bedwars to max it, and I’ve noticed that (I think)
The bed doesn’t give xp if player leaves.

They already did it with final kills because people who are weird jump off to think we won’t get finals but thanks to hive we now do! :smile: so I think adding this for bed breaks would be neat because we get the xp we were supposed to get.

The main reason is because my strategy is so that I get 5 iron get wool, go to diamond Gen then get 2 diamonds then get sword then upgrade Gen then get another diamond to get deepslate. And when I get deepslate of kill them more than 2 times, they just straight up leave which is fair enough, I wouldn’t want to go through that but I do get mad that I don’t get the xp for the bed

The latest person who killed him will get the final kill credit and the bed break. I don’t think that this is a bad idea it just simply helps players like me who wants to max this game.

Nice Idea! I become MAD when that Happens! :joy: Voted.

I assume that happens all the time :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Ok… BUT WHO BUYS DEEPSLATE like fr :skull:
My strategy:
Get 5 iron, rush diamond gen and get 1 diamond, upgrade gen and get more blocks, rush the team next to you, break the bed and sumo them since it’s always mobile players, then get 4 diamonds, buy pickaxe, 64 wood and chain armour, rush the siderush all the way across you, kill them, block in if necessary and get the bed, then kill them, and keep going with chain armour and use gold to buy wood. You will get a lot of XP since ur other side rushes were probably not expecting it and are probably waiting for their iron armour.

TIP: spawn trap them with deepslate instead of buying it for bed defense (and before someone replies to me saying, “SpAWn TraPpIng iS AgaINts thE RulES” that’s spawn killing not spawn trapping.) And obviously the team u killed will be mad and report u, but u don’t have to worry about anything bc, what would the report u for, NOTHING :smile:


Yooo MysticLeaf i remember u

@iMysticLeaf we all play differently deepslate isn’t that bad

This is just me or is this looks like the Avery doors strat :o but yea I agree with bearblade, deep slate is a good bed defense since it’s literally impossible to break early game

not exactly. Looks like mine. want me to detail everything?

Uh sure
Why not!

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Step 1: Get 5 iron and buy blocks and rush diamond
Step 2: Get 2 diamonds from the gen to upgrade gen and put the other in the ender chest to save up for pick. Use your remaining blocks to make a Wallibear defense(2 blocks on top of the bed)
Step 3: Get 10 iron and buy a sword and 16 blocks and rush the other team next to you.
Step 4: Defeat them and take the iron and all the stuff and go back to your base
Step 5: Save up to 10 gold, upgrade the gen, then get 10 more gold to get 64 planks, and save up for 20 iron for chain. While waiting, get 3 or more diamonds to buy a pick and put all your useless items in the e chest
Step 6: SIDERUSH. Keep doing this until you die
Addon: If you die while side rushing, as long as you have gotten at least 1 bed/final kill, or both, you can rush midd and get all the ems. IF not, keep rushing, If so, Max gen and stash 4 Ems for full diamond. Nothin else. Only if you have extra Ems you can buy dories and pearls. If you do rush mid, rush from mid. People from mid are the most dangerous so rush them :slight_smile:
Step 7: Assuming you didn’t die, keep rushing and eliminate every team.
Now that is solos, and I don’t have a great strategy for duos/squads. Solos is the best for grinding.

Wanna read my full strategy? (I have 2, one for doing challenges and one for winning and xp- which one you wanna read?)

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ye sure(sorry for late response)

I have a different strategy so rush dianond and when i get theyre if e other person isnt a super bridger theres 2 get deepslate cover bread get sword and get blocjs bridge to other team and murde then (…)

1 part in my strat is just to get max gen and a dia sword cuz you can tear through chain and iron so fast

Imagine maxing gen thought :skull::clown_face::poop:
(Not hating)

I’d love this idea but I’d love to get a “bed destroyed” on you stats too for people like me who care about that

Lol the bed guy strikes again…

Voted this is great its high time we got antivoiding and I wish this came with it.

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Love that title. “The Bed Guy” @AJtheOtter

xD well its literally what you are? Almost to 14k is crazy

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