Getting Banned For Icy Bridging

When you no strafe icy(with sprint) or sometimes even normal icy you can get kicked or even banned.
I think this is a issue with the anti-cheat being too strict. Heres two clips of me getting kicked/banned for icy bridging. Proving My Last Video Wasn't Faked - YouTube I Actually Got Banned For Icy Bridging - YouTube

Hey there :wave:

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, would you or anyone else happen to have a replay ID by chance?

Thanks in advance


This isn’t a replay ID, but this seems to be logged already

Thanks, we’ll still need the additional information if we can get it :smiley:


Hey there,

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue.

Our anti-cheat developers continue to work on resolving these issues, we appreciate your patience.