Get Rid of the "Completed" Plus Sign Notification

(I tried to find any dupes, and I couldn’t. If this is a dupe then my b)

It’s really annoying when you get pinged once or even twice with this plus sign notification saying “Completed!”

This message comes up whenever a suggestion affiliated with you gets either accepted or archived. In this case, with that suggestion, I only replied ONCE in it, and I got pinged twice in a row because it got archived.

I do not know the exact details of how it happens, but usually it happens for me whenever i view and/or reply to a suggestion and it gets archived/accepted. I don’t even know what this means, like what the point of it is. (If there is a reason and someone knows, please tell me)

My point is that if a suggestion get’s archived or accepted and closed, it gets bumped to the top of the list of topics for everyone to see, no need for an unnecessary ping to go through.

I know that not everything with discourse is under hive’s control, but whatever you guys can do about it, please do it.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

This bugged me a couple days ago and still is, you got my vote :+1:

Anyways, I don’t know if discourse makes this a feature (To delete it)

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I wanted to do this
It also doesn’t make sense that you receive 2 notifications


this is kinda useless (the feature not your post) tbh. you got my vote

I only want it if I voted for it and it got accepted as a feature. Otherwise, get rid of it

You only get this notification when you vote for suggestions and then the voting ends (by either the post getting moved to #suggestions:archived-suggestions or #suggestions:accepted-ideas) iirc.

And if I vote for a suggestion I kinda want to know what happened to it- did it get accepted or archived for any reason? Or am I seriously the only one wanting to know what happened? :thinking:


i did not vote for it iirc

if anything, i was a little against it

however, if i’m just being silly and it was impulsive, then why must it ping me twice

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You could look here to maybe be able to clear up things :slightly_smiling_face: :thinking:

apologies, i stand corrected :thinking:

though I’m still confused on why it pinged me consecutively

imo there should be an option for you to allow it to notify. As I said before, it get’s bumped and it’s clear to see from the categories on whether or not it got Archived or Accepted.

not certain but I think Clank stated a while back that it is because of discourse

yeah. i made a bug report on it and clank said they have no control over it

As has been mentioned, this is a Discourse feature, and we have no control over it.

If you wish to see this changed, please direct your feedback towards Discourse: