Gamemode Idea - Musical Blocks

Hive has always been known for their Mobile-Compatible non-PvP games. So this game is sort of a musical chairs game mixed with Lifeboat Block Party and Mineplex Death Tag. I don’t care if this is an LTM or what, but it could start of as an LTM and if it’s success it could turn into a permanent game mode?

10 players are randomly spawned into a large map (the size of for example a survival Games map), and when you are released, 9 beams appear randomly spawned around the map. The player who has not gotten to a beam (there are only 9 players and 10 beams), is eliminated. Then the music starts to play, and when it stops again, the pillars appear at randomly generated places again, and this time there are only 8 pillars and 9 players. And the game continues like that.

I think this game is too easy but it’s cool. Reminds me of the game for kids with music where you remove 1 chair at a time and a person gets eliminated


Musical Chairs?04%20PM

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This would be cool under a party games type game I think. I’m not sure if it could survive as a stand-alone, as this is pretty niche but a cool game idea

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Maybe it could be 20 players instead?

no one :
literally no one :
not even a single soul :
kaicloudy : sKyWaRs AdD iT iN nOw CaUsE iT iS a GoOd AnD a UnIqUe GaMe PlUs HyPiXeL dOmInAtEd MiNePlEx SiNgLe WiTh A sInGlE hAnD

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ThEn MaKe A tOpIc AbOuT iT!1

There are 100000 topics about it, instead vote on it on the roadmap here Trello

Woh I didn’t know that would be a thing but block party would be an amazing game mode for the Hive