Friends list menu translation problem

Affected Language:

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Friends last seen menu

Affected Text:
Vu pour la dernière fois il y a …

Suggested Text:
Dernière connexion il y a …
In english = Last connect

Explanation of Issue:
As you can see in the screenshot the French text (to inform in friends menu the last time a friends played) contain too much words so we don’t know if the friend last played for example 3 weeks 3 minutes or 3 hours.I suggest you to change as “Dernière connexion (time)” or ''Dernière connexion il y a (time)" so the text is shorter but have the same meaning as the actual text.With this change we can see the entire text.
Thanks you !

Hey there,

Thanks for submitting a suggested improvement for our translations.

After discussions with French-speaking members of staff, I have gone ahead and implemented this, hopefully it should now all fit on the button.

Have a great day :slightly_smiling_face:

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