Friend notifications (when level up)

I think that there should be a such thing as friend notifications. In the accessibility menu with your friend, you can turn this on. If you turn this on, you will be notified (in your mail) every time that your friend levels up. Once they max a game, it will say once you join, “X has maxed X game! What a rockstar!” If they prestige, once you get on, it will show a clip of them prestiging as it’s too insane to ignore.



Gets mail
Oh hey! Hive must’ve dropped an update or something… oh wait my friend grinded blockdrop for an hour and got 5 levels.


this is togglable, though.

“oh new mail!”

“my friend got prestige 5 in murder mystery!” “congrats!”

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Rebump! :cubee:

Anyways, this is a qol idea, but not needed