Friend Menu translation improvement [German]

Affected Language:
German :de:

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Friend Menu

Affected Text:
Du hast x eingeladen.

Ausgehende Einladungen verwalten [ x ]

Einladungen verwalten [ x ]

Suggested Text:
Du hast x angefragt.

Ausgehende Anfragen verwalten [ x ]

Anfragen verwalten [ x ]

Explanation of Issue:
A properly translation for friend invite would be “Freundschaftsanfrage” and therefore you should use “Anfrage” instead of “Einladung” since you send them a request and not really an invite. “Einladung” (invite) only fits for party “Einladungen” (invite) for example.

Screenshots and/or video:

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Thanks for submitting a translation suggestion.

After discussing your idea with our translators, we have decided to keep the current strings, as they are accurate translation of the English text.

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