French translations suggestion in party menu

Affected Language:

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Party menu

Affected Text:
vous n’êtes sur aucune équipe actuellement ! inviter quelqu’un à en créer un ou accepter une invitation

Suggested Text:
vous n’êtes pas actuellement dans une fête ! inviter quelqu’un à en créer un ou accepter une invitation

Explanation of Issue:
The current white text french translation in the party menu translates too “you are not currently on any team! invite someone to create one or accept an invitation.” It would be better to say “vous n’êtes pas actuellement dans une fête ! inviter quelqu’un à en créer un ou accepter une invitation” in French instead of the current translation as it translates to “you are not currently in a party! invite someone to create one or accept an invitation” which is an exact translation from the English text in the party menu. (The word “party” instead of “team”) :).

Screenshots and/or video:

Hello! Thank you for taking the time to submit a report! However fête wouldn’t necessarily be correct, since a party on the Hive is more of a group of people moving around the server together instead of a celebration. The current translation of équipe still applies since it’s more of a group of people, instead of a celebration. Thank you again, and enjoy the rest of your day! :blobheart:

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