FREE Bedwars Win Celebrations

Like the title already suggests: we really need free win celebrations in Bedwars!

Right now the only way to get a win celebration is by buying the Season 2 Pass which makes the new introduced win celebrations inaccessible to a lot of people.

I suggest giving out at least one free win celebration for everyone by completing a “special quest” or reaching a certain lvl etc.

Vote here: You should get a free win Celebration when…

  • you complete a special quest (e.g. emote 100 times in bedwars games)
  • you reach level 75 for example
0 voters

I’m also excited to hear about your suggestions for this :slight_smile:

More will Win Celebrations will probably come out soon.

ye I mean the first win celebrations just came out 3 weeks ago so more are definitely yet to come.

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Why do win celebrations even cost money lol, any way to make money nowadays. Ik it comes with szn 2 bundle but why is it a part of it, to see ur character dancing for 15 seconds when the p leader will probably re queue.

I think they wanted to add them and the season 2 ticket was the best way to start.