Flashlight on Darker Levels

On the darker levels on the Backrooms map, I think you should spawn with a flashlight.

This would help so you aren’t scavenging at the start of the game for 3 coins and a present. There’s only a 50% chance of you getting a flashlight and this would help. It would work like a normal flashlight and eventually die out. This would be a great help on the darker maps!

the lore of the backrooms is that they’re shifting around the journal writer, and its always the same thing, just shifted around. it wouldnt make sense to have a different starting hotbar imo

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Thank you for sharing your opinion/feedback! We will have to agree to disagree.

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Really? I need an explanation fast…

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specifically the hive backrooms. plushy33 has a video explaining the entire hive backrooms lore, Id suggest you watch it