Fix Flashlight Item in Backrooms map


[increase range of flashlight item in the Backrooms Map or allow it to be held in off hand]

More information:

[Flashlight is useless if you turn brightness up (made even more op when using an Oled Monitor ) and if you cant turn up your brightness it its useless when trying to be on guard while holding flashlight]

this is impossible on bedrock. Only nautlius shell, totem, map, arrows, and shields (I think) can be held in off hand.

but what about people who don’t have oled monitors or full bright mod? That’s what the poi oi nt of the mask flashlight is

if you listened to dreams mask you would know what I’m referring to.


Nautilius shell?


Its true and I have no idea why! maybe because a drowned can hold a shell and a trident. I have had one that had that and I got lucky and it dropped the shell, trident, copper ingot, and the rotten flesh!

Lets get back to the topic!


yes that works

drowned hold that item in their off hand which is why players can too.

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