Finished runner message : Blue name

Ok another DR suggesion guys

Idea : Make finished runners’ name blue or whatever color to stand it from the other text.

Ptitjoueur123 (another color from yellow for the name) finished in 1st place ! [00:47:263]

More info : It would look like that ^^^
Bla bla bla suggestion DONE

Make sure to vote on this suggestion if you liked it ! :heart:

It’s good and wouldn’t be hard for the devs to code! Takey my votey

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Or maybe, the color of the finished runner name is the one for the rank.
So Owners/Admins would have a yellow name for the message, helpers have a cyan one, hive+ have green one, ytbers/streamers a red/purple, and finally regulars, a gray one, as in the Hub.


Don’t forget the orange VIP rank lol :sweat_smile:


I was just going to make a topic about this exact thing because my semi-dyslexic brain took 30 whole seconds just to find where I finished.

Personally I think it should be light blue, like the arrow before the leap recharge notice.


I dont see why not. It can be pretty confusing

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Make your name orange



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Its a suggestion!


that honestly seems to me like how I can fix it, not a color instead of light blue. ik what you meant though

I hadnt thought about every color and orange sounds a lot better imo

I wonder what will come first, GTA 7, Minecraft 2 or this suggestion. Voted anyway

And I must tell you, assuming you’re still alive, it’s a very good idea that’s super underrated
:sunglasses: :+1: