Fez hat idea

Add a fez hat

Just add a fez hat I think it would be cool and it wouldn’t be a hard model to make, (also it’s a doctor who reference heh…)

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One word. Copyright.

How is it copyright


How? It’s not even a Doctor Who reference, it’s a piece of an Arab nationalist resistance against the Zionism during the Arab revolt in Palestine between 1936 and 1939 in the British Mandate.


Exactly (plus there’s legit a weeping angel costume in hive if your worried about copyright lol…)


Yeah I don’t think its copyright after all the skins they’ve made. The only thing I’m not sure about is how many people are going to use these. Still cool idea!


They just made an angel, no copying. Just like they didn’t copy Toothless with their Friendly dragon costume

That was a ender dragon. From “Minecraft”

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No, its a symbol of nationalistic identity to Moroccans that dates back even further.

You can’t ‘copyright’ a fez because its a style of hat.

But besides, this might be offensive to some people who actually traditionally wear the fez, if it is made a hat in a video game.

I did vote however, just because its a Doctor Who reference.


Im not sure if it’s offensive but it could be idk

Some people may see it that way, because it is an indigenous piece of clothing.

Well, Google told me that.

It’s a grey scale statue of an angel called “blink,” tell me it’s a Doctor Who reference without telling me it’s a Doctor Who reference fr

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It is a doctor who reference.

I love English grammar…

Somehow, you said that wrong. Let’s go over it!

  • It's a Doctor Who reference. This would be the correct way of saying your sentence. Doctor Who, being a name and popular brand, would be capitalized.
  • It is’ is also correct, but shortening is a more ‘professional’ way of doing your sentences in my books.

Anyways, this is both a Doctor Who reference and “a symbol of nationalistic identity to Moroccans that dates back even further” (AJtheOtter 8).

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Yes. I said words with the effective meaning of ‘It’s a doctor who reference’ without technically saying ‘It’s a doctor who reference’.

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So… I did grammar for no reason…?


I’m pretty sure…

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There is a lot going on…
So I’m here to reply
First A lot of history(which I wouldn’t be mad at… too much)
Second, a lot of things is going on here
Third, why a fez hat? Is that like an ummm reason? Why not maybe a red hat? Also people that sue the fez hat might not want a video game to use it.
And Forth, it could be weird adding an unknown(to an American and probably Engsish audience) style of hat.

Being a “DW” reference made me think that it would be copyright. @Imnotbritish107 I’m. Not. British. So. Why. Should. I. Know?