Faster gens on duos/squads

The gens are faster in duos and squads

It is really annoying when you have a teamate and they get on your generator and then you know the rest. But what if we had faster gens for duos and squads, on duos there could be 1 iron per 2 seconds and on squads there could be 2 iron per 3 second etc.

I think this feature would be nice so that if a teamate does get on your generator, it wouldnt be much of a “Problem”

I suggested this because it is really annoying when you have to wait 30 SECONDS to get 5 iron if your teamate gets on your generator so i think making it faster would be the best approach

Maybe instead one per person?!


You won my vote from this.

I have played many games and I had this problem. I was keep saying to wait to get 5 iron AND HE/SHE WAS IGNORING ME! (on around 85% of all the cases)