Fake Item Box

Fake Power-up Box:

  • Obtained like any other powerup through a Power-up Box

*Once you obtain it you can place it wherever you want (Be creative and be absolutely awful😈)

*Once it’s placed the notification for a new power up spawning will commence as per usual but of course it’s not the real deal.

  • Blows up blocks around it when touched (keep your distance and make sure you’re paying attention!)

  • From a distance it looks normal but when you get close a red particle will surround the box (adjustment by “JJ81611”)

  • Oh yeah and it’d be pretty funny too

I think it should be the opposite, from afar it looks normal but as you approach it it looks slightly weirder and you don’t notice somethings off until it’s too late. Sorta like the Trickboxes from Mario Kart Wii.


Thing with that is it’d be too obvious if it was up close I want people to actually fall for this


Eh, i guess, but if people can tell the difference from afar they wouldn’t try to collect it in the first place


Actually that’s a fair point I don’t know why I didn’t think of it like that


Aight edited it with proper credit ofc


Thanks lol :+1:

I like this suggestion and yeah it would be pretty funny to watch people fall off the map from a powerup


Also I did realize something in the midst of your suggestion too the upside down question-mark wouldn’t work cause of the skins so I just used a particle instead

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Yeah that probably works better

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Nice idea. Voted! :mailbot:

We all remember that…


This is a bump