Fairness in games

Heres an idea, make all game servers fair based on skill, prestige, and maybe fps. It would help i think because when i play games sometimes theres really good people and it makes it hard.

Everyone can improve. There is already something called platform based matchmaking. And wouldn’t it be boring to only fight against players at the same level?
Skill based matchmaking has already been implemented into the bridge and everyone is complaining about the long queuing time. Btw. how does FPS impact your gameplay? Did you mean ping?
In conclusion: PvP will never be 100% fair. Fighting better players makes the game more interesting and you can always improve your skills.

Skill based matchmaking has already been suggested countless times. Please use the search function before posting an idea.


I just want to say, I agree. The only reason i posted this is because of the sweats/really good players at pvp, this makes it kind of unfair but. Thanks for telling me info @Mqstake2719 it helps :+1:


Like @Mqstake2719 said above, everyone can improve with time and effort. It’s also a dupe of another post but I can’t find it.


I have not seen that other post its because im mainly bad because sometimes there are crossteaming, autoclicking, and reaching people with prestige 1-5 are really good at the game but in my opinion its unfair.

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If there’s cross teaming, I’m sure you should report them…


I do but they also false report me from killing them saying “he uses a hacked client.” Or “autoclicking.” I main on switch alot so i dont know how clients can be installed onto switch.

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They cant only pc i think and how do you know they are reporting you and that you are reporting them?

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They would tell me and when i tried i reported both of them then i said I have reported you

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I feel like this would be hard to add but at the same time I could see it easy


from what I can tell its just sbmm but including level and fps, so it would make hive really repetitive imo


Just dont say you reported them

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I dont think hive can sort people out by Prestige level and others and if that was a thing, how would you play with a friend whos not the same level as you

Also as @Mqstake2719 said above, you can always get better at the game,

The main improvement ive gotten is that i killed a prestige 3 for the first time when they’ve killed me alot of times,

So just practice and the games will be fair and after all, the games are mostly fun when you have a challenge and not fighting people who have the same skill as you.

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They definitely can, but it would be hard to get enough similar level players in one game.

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Level didn’t mean skills for some time. And you can always improve by playing against some good players (It’s hard I know as you may keep failing)
Also how do you sort players based on fps? (I guess it’s cps… :thinking:) Well but you can’t sort players based on cps as well. Different players had different cps and it also has something to do with platforms

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Fps → ping