/f inv @[IGN]

I think a friend invitation command would be really cool and convenient. Lets say you’re in a game and don’t wanna hub to add someone or possibly forget their ign before you do. And yes I know /f exists however for people who have alot of friends scrolling all the way down is annoying as well. I made it @[IGN] as I feel it’ll probably be easier to integrate. So basically, just an easier and quicker way to add somebody.

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/friend invite [ign] is already a command, I cant imagine needing to use a simpler version or anything


Easier to type

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No need honestly. What difference will 8t make in the l9ng term.


Nah your just lazy to type out stuff so thats why you made this suggestion.

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How’d you figure that out? I thought it was a state secret.

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Youre probably being sarcastic here but just in case you aren’t then its because I had a feeling you made suggestions like this before.