Extra hearts don't disappear in SW Kits post-game lobby

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or global):
SkyWars Kits

What is the bug?
Extra absorption hearts from gapples and redstone ores don’t disappear at the end of the game and remain in the post-game lobby in SW Kits, until back to hub.

Device(s) & Version
Win10, 1.16.201

Screenshots and/or video:
Don’t have a screenshot of the post-game lobby, but I do have one after I won the game, still had my extra health:


Thanks for taking the time to submit this bug report.

This is working as intended, and we don’t see any reason for it to be changed. As long as the server clears your previous absorption hearts before entering a new game, there isn’t any problem.

Hope you have a wonderful day! :blobheart: