Extend The Warmup Timer when you first start the round

30 seconds is not enough, when I’m still going through ores and chests, a player kills me in like 5 seconds, please extend the warmup timer in skywars to like 60 seconds.

I can loot everything and mine ores in less than 30 seconds, it’s more of you than the timer


If anything, I would want it shorter so I can get fights in sooner.

Also, this should be in #suggestions:skywars


i think the timer is good where it is just practice and make a quick route to get items for each map

Also welcome to the forums!


30 seconds is much more than other servers, making it even longer would just make players get bored waiting around I think

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30 seconds in more than enough
60 seconds would be too much i think !

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Here is a tip… Break the chests… They save you alot of time

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With 60 seconds of the warmup timer, I think it’s unnecessary because I already looted 2-3 chests and all if not most of the important ores I see. Also, I think this will mean that people can get diamond armor faster because they can dig for more diamond ores if you know what I mean. I may be wrong.


I think that’s too much, I would be sitting there waiting
Good idea though!

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I don’t break the chests because it takes up too much inventory space, and I still have just enough time to loot everything. It is a good tip for mobile players, but if you’re controller or pc, then you shouldn’t be destroying the chests unless you are really slow.

If this person is on mobile though, then that is a good tip :slight_smile:

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I for some reason destroy the chests although I am on pc