Explosion proof blocks

Simple. Blocks that cost 50 coins each that cant be blown up. Only mined.

It would have a deep slate level mineing time. it would add a fun layer of stratagy onto defense building. Espically on the entrences to the flag room

I myself am a defense player, i build stair walls to keep the base safe, and make a single entrence and exit point thats out of the way for the enamy.

But a problem arises with tnt spammers who ruin a good few hundred gold worth of the most important part of ctf


I already have to contend with an overly cheap arrow upgrade. Capture the flag isnt just about captureing the flag, so lets encourage more people to play defensively as its intended.

By makeing pooring us wall builders hard earned money into defenses, Feel worth it when people who know what there doing for once, spam tnt, our one weakness.

Seems like a good idea I agree :+1: remember to vote on ur own post!


I think players should get 8 blocks per 50 coins instead of one. Otherwise it would cost 2,250 coins to cover all sides of the flag in 3x3s. That would be 300 coins if players got 8 blocks each purchase.
Right now, I think the blocks could be deep slate redstone and lapis.


Hey there! :wave:

Great idea, voted! :ballot_box:

No comment needed! :blush:

Have a great day! :sunny:

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True, but a full cover isnt necessary. A checker patern works fine.

Players can grab the flag through a 1x1 hole. Even if you put strong blocks in the center of each 3x3, your opponents can reach the flag by breaking the adjacent blocks.

this sounds quite good actually.