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Welcome to the hive forums :smiley: :beedance:

first of all, idk why u want less afk players since they are easy kills

second, we alr have an anti-afk thing

third, some ppl actually go afk between matches for an important reason, and kicking them wouldnt be so fair.

4th it will be annoying af. hive matches and queues are alr slow enough, especially in SW.

i can go for days. So no, i dont think we will have what u are asking for :slight_smile:

(sorry for my bad english)

Hello Rhyunt Welcome to the forums, first of all you should vote on your suggestion, second afk players dont cause any problems lol


thats just fate, we cant do anything about it :man_shrugging:

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Tbh I dont this afk players are that big of a problem!

Btw welcome to the forums :heart:


ik it’s not a big problem but it’s not hard to fix it

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But kicking them wont do anything (i think so)
If they get kicked you’ll have 3 players remaining (in a squads match) and if they don’t it’ll be the same condition anyways!

And what if you are playing in a party and your friend goes afk due to some work and gets kicked!

the leader just can queue

the afk kicking would be pretty annoying when like some friends are playing and one says I will just go and drink water and brb but then it would get annoying.

if he isn’t the party leader

i actually don’t really care about afk players but i want the faster queue

You should edit your post by the :pencil2: sign instead of double posting!

wait i did that

you posted 2 topics continuously, that’ s double posting

oh ok sorry, but i edited it idk why its a new topic

he meant a post :

u posted 2 times continuously

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The person joined 5 hours ago, go easy on em lmao

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I do agree there needs to be some kind of afk prevention for all games, but I also think it shouldn’t be from the end lobby, and more like murder mystery where if you stand still for a certain amount of time, you get sent to the lobby(I believe that’s how it works). Obviously it would need to be slightly different for fast paced games, though it could be if you don’t move before you get killed you’re sent to the hub too.

The idea for adding the new game selector at the end-game lobby is a good one, but it’s already been suggested here


Alright, I disagree with this post here in a couple ways.

They’re also unsatisfying kills, and like rhyunt said, they might be on your team too for team games, which is annoying

Pretty sure that’s only for murder mystery(though ig I could be wrong).

I mean, sending them to the hub would be, as if they’re afking, they have no reason to still be in the game.

I don’t really see how afk prevention would make games slower, besides maybe making you actually have to fight people.


Yeah, I don’t see this as an issue, as it basically just benefits you. For example, in tw, you can get tons of kills and bed breaks off of afk players. The only issue is with murder mystery, but they already have an afk timer.

Anyway, welcome to the forums! Enjoy your time here!

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