Enchanter: Team Upgrade

Give your shopkeeper the ability to enchant tools.

This could be sold at the team upgrades block, and would make the “enchant” section of the shop appear. After paying some emeralds, you will then have an enchanted tool!


You would be able to put Sharpness and Fire Aspect on these, after paying 5 emeralds for level I, and 7 each subsequent upgrade.


After swords, comes bows! You could put Power or Punch on your bow at a base price of 3 Emeralds, or 5 for each subsequent one.


For 12 Diamonds, you could put Efficiency on your pickaxe.


For 12 Diamonds, you could put Sharpness or Efficiency on your axe.
(Sharpness idea by @Stellar6666)


You could put Protection, or Projectile Protection on your armour for 10 Emeralds and 5 Diamonds, with it becoming 10 Emeralds and 10 Diamonds on subsequent purchases.

(The shop would be a separate tab in the main shop)
(All prices are merely suggestions)

Tee hee hee.
Anyways, this is an interesting idea. Voted!


i can definistlyey see this being added i know how to speell dont question it


Maybe for axe pvpers you can put sharpness on it as well :slight_smile: also good idea, voted


Sounds good!


This could be like a different tab in the team updrager lol i think that would work


I’ll bump this.
Just because I think this is good.


You sure it’s because it’s your post? :joy:


Small Bump :robot:
Cool Upgrade. We need this!


I like the idea of an enchanter. However, there’s some things I disagree with…

First is protection. Diamond armor on Hive is already broken in its current state. If they were to add protection, then they would need to rework the armor system to where the helmet and boots are leather, and only the leggings and chestplate would be able to get material upgrades. Otherwise, fights would become too long, drawn-out, and tedious.

As for fire aspect, no. There’s a reason why the fire sword was replaced with the ember sword (Even though Hive thought it’d be a smart idea to add the fire sword back as a weekly item, and to add insult to the injury, gave it the same texture as the ember sword to make fights more frustrating and confusing). If they were to incorperate fire aspect in some way, it should not be as a permenant enchant on any sword.

Also, the price for efficiency is WAY too high, especially compared to the OP fire aspect.

All in all though, I do think enchantments would be a great addition if done right, so you can take my vote.

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Make the enchanter monthly quest costume the enchant shop. It would spawn when the team upgrade is purchased