Eggs (Special Items)

Mechanics: Do 3 Hearts Of Damage to Players Without Amour, 2 To Chainmail, 1 To Iron, 0.5 To Diamond. (No Knockback)

Cost: 5 Emeralds for 3

There’s Snowballs That Do No Damage But Knockback And Bows That Do Damage and Knockback but Recoil, So why not Eggs That Do no Knockback But Damage.

(This was Made at 12 Am)

Nah, you could just machine gun someone to death with this and it would break the whole game, snowballs are the thing with high kb but no damage and a not very long throwable distance, and the bow is a slower method with decent kb, good damage, and a far distance, this would simply be less of a stopgap and just become the meta for everything


Yes I understand why you say that snowballs are op, but they have been nerfed so it is possible to add eggs during holidays.

Snowballs have not been nerfed, because hive doesn’t seem to care how unbalanced their games are because of them

No they have! Now when you throw them they are slower. This means a player has more time to get away when they are at a further distance. Now on the other hand when it is up close your response is relevant. Yes up close combat is more common so you are correct.


Ok, so maybe they nerfed them. Nobody asked for them to slow dowm, we want delay, and less vert kb


Speak for yourself, most people are fine with them, they are not too common and are fun to use

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hello and welcome YeetCop33, I agree.

I think snowballs time should be increased.

Eggs should cost 2 emeralds, do 0.5 knockback, do 1.5 hearts to no armour, 1 to chain, one to diamond and one to iron.

hmm. Thats pretty balanced but they could do less damage.