Double Zapper (Castle Town)

There’s nothing more annoying then being the murderer and about to swoop in for a kill after they missed their shot. You, the murderer, now think “I can kill this guy now.” Just for them to pull out their second shot, which has no cooldown whatsoever, and ends your game.

This issue needs to be resolved maybe slap a cooldown on it? Please give me feedback and more ideas and I apologize if this is a dupe I haven’t been on the forums in a month or so. Have a good day!

anyway even if it wasn’t a dupe, this is just part of the game. Also murderers have projectiles too. And it’s pretty easy to dodge arrows to be honest. I’ve won as murderer plenty of times on Castle Town

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It’s just a little more complicated than that I’m afraid, would you expect someone to immediately take a shot after they previously missed one? Besides, with multiple innocents camping around the armory it’s almost impossible to get anything done when you have 6 or more innos with 2 shot zappers that have no cooldown lol.

This one feature has more faults than just the one I brought up therefore I believe it should be nerfed. Thanks!


Youre a W. Second shot on remnants, pigment and castle town → mm in general is a dumb idea. Only people who agree with second shot are those who cant shoot straight forward shots consistently or nolife grind EDR behind their corners

Frankly id vote for it to be removed, but a nerf is good too :raised_hands:t2:

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Just be careful now that you know that they might have another bow in these maps like remnants, pigment and castle town, its seriously not very hard to even kill them

There’s no need to remove it


Ok well we do need to consider the variables in this situation, for instance, not everyone is good at dodging, and the zapper is pretty instant aside from the slight delay from when you let go. Also, even with someone who moves before the shot, minecraft has this pretty stupid lantency between multiplayer so you could be behind a wall and still get shot because that’s what the other player sees. I’m not saying I disagree with being careful, but not everyone is that skilled enough to know when to move, and if they miss, they miss. It should be gg for them instead of a redeemed shot, which is really the sheriff’s job.