
Imagine a new kit for SkyWars Kits and it’s named the

More information:

The description says: “NOW’S YOUR CHANCE TO BE A”. And the contents has the following:
A crossbow ready to go (Appropriately named the BIG SHOT), and
A powerful firework rocket every 30/45/60 seconds (does not include the warmup period and you can only have one).

Firework rocket attributes:
Direct hit: 3 hearts of damage (unarmored-full chain armor), 1.5 hearts (for full iron and full diamond armor)
Splash damage and radius: 4.5 block radius, same damage output as above.

Each can deal up to 6 hearts of damage for unarmored-full chain targets. 3 for full iron and diamond. It’s a kit designed to deal massive damage if they know what they’re doing.

When the death crate is open, it will explode in 3 seconds once it’s open, destroying the items inside, destroys nearby blocks and damage players.
When the death crate gets destroyed, it explodes immediately. Both events have the explosion power to that of a ghast minus the incendiary ability.


Why not adding crossbows to Hive? Don’t you wanna be a big shot?

Opinions are available, as usual.

sounds interesting, how long would the timer be? (in vanilla u can craft a firework with 1, 2, or 3 gunpowder which determines how far it goes before blowing up iirc)

Also could u customize the explosion colors? Also also this seems really funny, so voted

maybe 1 second because i messed around with stacking 7 firework stars in java and they fly very fast.

yes, i forgot this
they have 1 second before detonating but they fly fast (up to let’s say, 30-50 blocks)

plus it ignores enchantments on armor (remember, firework rockets have long cooldowns as a tradeoff)