Don’t hide bedrock chat when you’re muted

Bruh can we please at least read bedrock chat on the discord server whilst we’re muted bc we can see every other chat and bedrock chat is the main one. Being muted should only take away your ability to send messages and not read messages

You can see chat while muted, you just can’t type with other people. Turn off “hide all chat” in the chat options.

Can’t really speak on this, but I believe they are talking about the Hive Discord.


Well, you are muted and done something wrong and have to pay the price.

Nah the entire bedrock chat just disappears

Why does being muted include not being able to see the messages, it should just be not being able to send nessages

Okay, I understand now and I’ll support, maybe add some more detail so people can understand it?

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Due to how we have our roles set up, specifically because we only allow members that have Bedrock accounts linked to chat in the channel, we are sadly unable to change this.