Different types of zappers

did you got bored of the same zapper? want more variety? want different ways to play?

well, in case your answer yes to the pevious questions, i had the idea of new zapper types, they will be in the locker and unlocked by level respectively.

so let’s start with the starter zapper: bow , it is the zapper we currently have we all love and know.

level 3 zapper: sniper/accuracy zapper : this zapper is straight up a crossbow, it takes more to charge but has high accuracy and is kind of more fast.

level 10 zapper: bouncy zapper : this zapper is a double sided sword; it can bounce and hit the murderer if you missed but can also hit you or an innocent and you die, it can only bounce 3 times before dissapearing.

level 24 zapper: the triple zapper : this zapper will have the ability to shot 3 arrow at a time, if one of the arrows hits an innocent and other hits a murderer, the sherrif will die and the murderer no, it also takes 2x more times the time accuracy zapper takes to charge and takes 1.5x more times to recharge after shot than the normal zapper.

level 31 “zapper”: baton: wanted to feel like the murderer but not have to wait an hour or more? well this item is for you! it is practicly the murderer sword but instead of iron sword stone sword, if a murderer throws you his throwable you can send it back to him with this, however the throwable be way slower.

level 39 zapper: vengeful zapper: normal zapper with the difference it takes 1.5x more times to charge and gets ammo if a player dies

level 50 zapper: blaster: it is a crossbow (aka slower but more accurate) type zapper, but if it hits a wall, it will go through it, but instead of killing the target, if it manages to hit the murderer after going through a wall, it will slow down the murderer for 20 seconds, and if it manages to hit a innocent after going through a wall, it will give them a 20 second speed boost.

that’s it.

I mean, idk about all of this

MM is fun because everyone in the game plays a unique and specific part, and it’s fun because every role is equal and does different things that have as many advantages as disadvantages. This however, would kinda ruin it.

Thinking ahead, if this were to be added, then the hive would have to equalize everything else, such as abilities for the murderer and innocents. And if they did that, they would ruin MM as a whole, and make it too chaotic

TL:DR, it’s better off a game won by strategy rather than XP

I respect the effort that went into this suggestion, tho

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good point

I think zapper cosmetics could be really cool but I don’t think the zappers should have any added effect

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Wdym by high accuracy the zapper shot doesn’t bend it goes straight and not like an arc.