Destruction golden power up

On top of removing all enemy blocks, make it to where they can’t place anything for, idk, 15 seconds?

Its the worst power up and never really even gets shot at, so why not make it a bit better.
Gotta try to keep groundwars week going

when I play, I usually try to get the other team to get this powerup, as it seems more beneficial for me when they do. A buff to this powerup would be very nice, voted.

(I hate blocks in my vicinity, they make dodging harder. I dodge eggs on reaction and hate walking into walls while doing so, its where most of my deaths come from (and imposters lol, pls nerf))

Lowkey the rain of pain seems like the only good powerup, and while maybe not this exact change, a buff to the destruction powerup would be very nice. Maybe it could remove all the eggs from the opposing team or something too (still less good than the rain of pain, but worth getting at least)


Removing all their eggs sounds very op, maybe just half? Also any other ideas how to buff it?

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remember that the rain of pain is basically an instakill, + eggs regenerate + there are refill powerups + u can always just die to refill if u really need to.

Other buffs might include ur teams blocks being unbreakable for a bit, or the other team loses all blocks as well as having all their blocks broken so that they cant place any until they either die or the build phase starts and they get half a stack