Deaths' Time Bonus

Hear me out here…

Deaths earn EXP by kills & kill bonuses, that’s the only way you can get XP at this moment at this moment in time by a death, but what if there is a bonus way to get exp?

People constantly complain about how hard it is to get exp, and users commonly leave after being a death because there is no fun in it - but what if it also acts as a motive?

Let me explain.

Deaths should receive an exp bonus at the end of the round depending on the top runner’s finish time, the later their time, the more exp the deaths should get.

For example:

Player1 finished in 1:05 // +20 bonus exp

The amount of EXP gained can have set timeframes relative to each map and their average time, balancing the EXP boundaries. There could also be a bonus for the amount of players who don’t finish!

Now what is the point of this bonus? Well I’m glad to say there would be many bonuses for this being added in.

  • Increased challenge for runners

  • More EXP avaliable to level up with

  • More playtime on Deathrun (especially from deaths)

If you like this idea, feel free to vote. Any questions would also be happily taken!



Maybe there could also be a bonus for how many players didn’t finish?


Added, thanks alot!! Such a good idea.

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Voted! It is a pain for me when I am grinding levels on DeathRun and I end up being death. Even thought its fun, it does not help with XP.

This is a good idea, but it might lead to the first place runner being targeted more often.


I think it’s perfectly fine as it is atm.
Runners typically get around 200 xp per match while deaths get 300, but deaths are there for a minute longer. You just gotta go for multiple kills at once instead of targetting first place, to be able to get around 300 per match. Maybe a little bump on the xp for each kill, since thats much simpler to change then the stuff you mentioned. I still believe its perfectly fine though.