Deathrun Suggestion to Make it More Fun and Fast

To make Deathrun more interesting and fast pace, the HIVE should add some monster/mob of some sort that chases after the players after a certain amount of time to stop people from waiting at traps. This will make the games go much faster, makes the “Beat Deathrun “x” times without dying” much harder and actually worth 30QP. The monster can be an op player or even a wall that slowly encloses in on the map that pushes towards the end following the same path as players and cancelling checkpoints as it pasts them. Basically what I’m asking the HIVE to do is add “Run From The Beast” old school gamemode into Deathrun to add more flavor to the repetitiveness and have a reason for new people to try it out. This will also help the “Deaths” as well since the games will end faster. We all know there are bad players at the HIVE, specifically the mobile children that can’t sprint jump. They tend to never finish Deathrun and just lose as the time runs out, farming free kills for the deaths. There could also be a little more exp for the death that got more kills than the other death (Of course this wouldn’t apply if there is only 1 Death or 1 Death leaves the game within a certain amount of time).

Hello WaithulTheMiner

I am unable to agree with some parts of your suggestion.

When you mention the HIVE should add some monster/mob of some sort that chases the player after a certain amount of time to stop people from waiting at traps this would not be useful at all. Players wait at trapts to try and avoid being killed and going back to the last checkpoint. I am aware that it can be annoying but theres always going to be a player that makes it past and death will go after them. Its just common sense.

And the game of “Run for the beast” which I gave a small summary here

My Summary

I got an idea of a “Flee the facility” type gamemode. There will be objectives scattered across the map and you need to complete a minimum of 5 to unlock the exit.

But this is the hive we are talking about.

IF the beast is the warden, the player would permanently be blinded (as the warden cant see) but to combat this, there will be hidden sound sensors across the map that will alert the warden (player) to the location. If a player makes a sound and the warden is very close, their blindness gets removed and they will be able to hunt down the noise maker a lot easier

Going over to beat deathrun without dying, this can be hard for a lot of people and when some try take their time not to die, the game has a high possibility to end before they even reach the final checkpoint (Completion). If this was introduced, it should be worth higher QP only because its a difficult challenge to actually do (from a basic player standard)


Well it’s also possible for HIVE to make two separate gamemodes in the selection menu. One for normal Deathrun and one for Run From The Beast Deathrun. Because as it currently stands, Deathrun is EXTREMELY boring and so repetitive it’s insane.

Hey, I understand why you think this game is boring and repetitive, and I think “Run From the Beast” is a good idea! But there are some things you said ill have to disagree with. Like a quest where you can get 300qp. That seems a little to OP and is 3/5 of the monthly costume which would ruin the value of qp costumes.


I said 30QP, 300QP would be insanely OP. I think you just read the “Q” as a 0.

Whoops, sorry about that :frowning:

Other wise, I think this is a good idea!

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CHUNKY Bump, this will also stop people afking in deathrun.