Deathrun Increase of level to level 100

Idea: Deathrun Level 100

Hive deathrun is one of the most oldest hive gamemodes out there, by that reason I think it needs to have lvl 100/prestige.

This is for the sweats or just the people who love to play deathrun or hive in general for fun. There could be more unlockables and avatars and quite possibly a level 100 costume if we’re lucky.

Vote if you agree with me

Im guessing they might add this in the next dr update (it is on the roadmap) or something after. Im not sure but voted!

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Shouldn’t be, it’s called a, “mini updates,” so I’d assume it’s going to be like the most recent ctf update. Few quality of life changes and maybe some new cosmetics for lower levels, but not adding any new levels. Who knows though

Exactly how long have we been playing with the same maximum level? I’m asking to know if a level update is necessary. I don’t remember the last time they updated the maximum level.

But if they increase levels, they should also add new maps, since these are the main feature of the game. And they must be creative maps.

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It’s roadmapped, they’ve already planned this, but I still voted.

About two years give or take

Other games has been updated so it will be updated near future. We have to wait.

And one article hive said there will be 100 levels death run costume. :hugs:

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They kind of add new maps a LOT. When the build team is like, ‘I’m bored!’ I’m almost certain they just build a DeathRun map.

(By ‘a lot’ I mean most frequently out of any games, idk how often exactly it is.)

Have a good day! :beedance:

P.S. Have more bees! :beedance: :beedance: :beedance:

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wdym no-one plays it, there are people who play hive for the fun of it you know

might as well give up now, if you can’t play DR for enough time to get level 500, what will you do about GW or MM :beedance:

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Everyone got different ideas. As a non-pvp all non-pvp games is interesting and fun for me to play (if I don’t grind), for some of my pvp friends they wonder why Block Party and Gravity should exist. For me I main Hide and Seek and there are also people saying why would you grind such a boring game

What roadmap?

It shows it on hives update page.
Here is the link.

They are not adding levels :pensive:

I’m not sure exactly where it says they are adding levels to the roadmap. I’m guessing that you assumed that :sweat_smile:


Please… Chill out with the :beedance:'s

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I thought they were. I shouldnt have assumed that lol. Sorry for misclarification guys

Don’t worry

Ok. :beedance:. I’ll slow down w/ bees.

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But back to the topic, I feel a feeling of pressure every time the levels go up, especially when I haven’t reached the maximum level yet and Boom! they raise the level. But if it’s been about two years since the last update, as @PleasantM00N says, I think it deserves a raise. But add more maps, and be creative, please. Thank you

Hiya! :wave:

Thank you for taking the time to leave a suggestion on the Hive Forums. This idea has already been suggested and if you would like to see the idea added, please be sure to leave a vote on the original post: DR Level Cap Increase Idea. :running_woman:

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