As I’ve already mentioned previously in a reply (here) I still strongly think that the Death’s Win Condition needs to be changed altogether, else the targeting is going to spiral. We as players can prevent this from escalating if we come together and change the Deaths Win Condition altogether.
As it stood when DR was first added, the Death was tasked to stop any players from finishing, this was a rather toxic setup and resulted in deaths either not playing or targeting first because regardless of what they do, they lose; new players also believed they’ll win if they somehow against all odds succeed, would still lose. Now turn the clock forward to today. Deaths now only have stop 8 players and they win, sounds better yes? Nothing under the hood for Death has changed, instead of stopping everyone you now have to stop half+1 of the lobby, this means that you still have to target first place, as chasing the pack will still not benefit you if people trickle through.
Taking into consideration of that, why insist on Death having to stop first place, their XP gain is never based on how many finish, it’s based on killing players. So why not have it so then Deaths get a win for reaching X sum of players killed in the game and get ‘winning xp’ from that.
With the current setup now Deaths will be even more insufferable for players already fed up with first place targeting, and in spite of people expressing and advocating for a change in the Deaths win condition, it just feels like it fell on deaf ears as they are now encouraged to further to target first place rather than play the game for a realistic value.