Affected Language:
Brazilian Portuguese
Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Death Run - Death selection in chat and Death Trap Teleporter
Affected Text:
- Você está na equipe inimiga
- Escolha uma armadilha a ser transportada diretamente para
Suggested Text:
- Você é uma Morte
- Escolha uma armadilha para ser teleportado diretamente para ela
Explanation of Issue:
- The translation, besides not making sense, is not the correct translation of the original sentence:
- It is meaning ‘‘you are on the enemy team’’, which doesn’t make much sense since, if your goal is to win on the team you’re on, that’s not your enemy team
- The original phrase is to say that you are a Death, not that you are on a team (ally or enemy). The suggested translation fixes this and puts the name of the Function correctly: Death → Morte
- The current translation is misspelled in a way that gives a completely different meaning.
- In the current translation, the preposition ‘a’ next to ‘armadilha’ and the word ‘para’ being at the end implies that what will be moved is a chosen trap and not the player - it is understood that you are choosing a trap so that it can be transported somewhere (while the original text implies that you are choosing a trap and are going to be transported to it).
- The suggested translation changes the original English sentence a little (not much), but it is the smallest possible way to express, grammatically and verbally, the original meaning of the sentence, without changing much of it - (‘‘Choose a trap to be teleported directly to it’’)
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