Death Run - Custom Servers

Affected Language:
Brazilian Portuguese

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):

Death Run - Custom Servers

  1. Runner Lives Menu
  2. Trap Cooldown Button
  3. Leap Cooldown Button
  4. Amount of Deaths Button
  5. Amount of Deaths Menu

Affected Text:

  1. Escolha quantas vidas adicionais os corredores têm antes de saírem do jogo.
  2. Defina com que frequência a equipe inimig…
  3. Defina com que frequência os corredore…
  4. Quantidade de mortes // Quantas mortes selecionar
  5. Escolha quantos jogadores serão selecionados para a equipe inimiga.

Suggested Text:

  1. Escolha quantas vidas adicionais os corredores têm antes de serem eliminados.
  2. Definir frequência do uso de armadilhas
  3. Definir frequência do uso do Salto
  4. Quantidade de Mortes // Quantas Mortes selecionar
  5. Escolha quantos jogadores serão selecionados para serem Mortes

Explanation of Issue:

  1. The part that mentions ‘antes de saírem do jogo’ was translated literally and is meaning ‘when the player leaves the game’. The new suggested translation fixes this and makes the phrase more understandable in its original meaning, which is the lives the player has before he is eliminated from the game.

  2. First of all, the words ‘equipe inimiga’ were translated incorrectly from the word ‘Death’. The meaning was supposed to be the function of ‘Death’. It doesn’t make sense to put ‘enemy team’ when the team you are in is not your enemy (the suggestion removes that word anyway, explanation below)
    Second, the translation was too large to fit on the button and was not readable. The new translation changes the original meaning of the sentence a bit, but makes it small enough (I believe) to fit on the button:

  • Defina com que frequência a equipe inimig… → Definir frequência do uso de armadilhas
    (Set how often deaths can use traps -> Set trap use frequency)

    I understand that the sentence may have been changed a lot, but it was the smallest possible translation to keep the entire sentence within the button. The only information removed was that the ‘Deaths’ would use the traps, after all it’s not that useful, considering that only they can use them.

  1. Same case as the previous one, the text was so big that it didn’t fit on the button. The new translation suggestion slightly changes the original text again:
  • Defina com que frequência os corredore… → Definir frequência do uso do Salto
    (Set how often runners can leap -> Set Leap use frequency)

    Again, the sentence has been changed considerably, but still keeping the original meaning, to fit on the button. As in the previous case, the word ‘Corredores’ (‘Runners’) has been removed, after all only runners can use the Leap.
    The text also capitalizes the word ‘Salto’, so that it is not confusing in Portuguese and makes it similar to the text in Portuguese, making it clear that it is the item

  1. The word ‘Mortes’ (‘Deaths’) in both lines has been capitalized to make it clear that it refers to the function. Keeping it lowercase makes it seem like it is talking about the action of death, of dying, and not the function.

  2. Again the word ‘Morte’ was for some reason incorrectly translated to mean ‘Enemy Team’. It doesn’t make sense to call them the enemy team when they won’t be your enemies if you fall into their team.

Screenshots and/or video:





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Our translators have approved these suggestions, and they will soon be implemented into the game.

Thank you for contributing to the improvement of our translations! :translations: