Death Run - Cave - arrows not pointing in the right direction

Affected Service (Game name, hub or global):
Death Run, Cave

What is the bug?
It’s not really a bug, but the first time I played Cave map, near the beginning of the map I got confused. There is one part with small platforms, we see arrows pointing up, when you have to go left.

Screenshots and/or video:


This is a weird one, each device can interpret them differently. Was this Win10 that you played on or something else? (if it’s still a problem)


It is still there.
The pink arrow-blocks leads the player to a wrong direction.

tested on Windows10 and Android

I think no one is really confused by it because it’s obvious where to go.

I think the terracotta lost the data tag and is back to pointing up. It can be fixed by trying different directions while placing it or just trying different data when setting the block.
Hope this helps

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We had a mapping issue in our world format. This has now been fixed, but the map shall not reflect the changes until we re-export it.

There’s no time frame on this, but the source of the bug is fixed meaning it shouldn’t appear in future maps!