Death Role needs a small update

I think so many players who is Death don’t know how to activate the traps…
And it’s so easy to finish a DR game if the Deaths don’t know that, and it will be RunRun, instead of DeathRun .You will dont have to watch out for the traps and you will just have to run.
So my idea is to add something to the text “You are Death”. “Your goal is to kill the runners to stop them from finishing”, etc…
So TheHive Team should add “Use the slime balls to activate the traps.
So the Deaths will read the text and know how to activate the traps, and I wouldn’t fell bored. :wink:
I’m french :smile:
I hope you understood xd


This is a good suggestion for DeathRun, I think it is something that should be implemented into DeathRun.


I’ve also noticed people try clicking the signs to activate traps, so that should be an alternative way to activate traps.


Yeah , that’s a good idea. It should be implemented in the next update of DeathRun.
I have noticed that people try use the stick or the arrow to activate the traps xd.


super même si translate est la, essaye de le faire toi même.


I have enjoyed them struggling to use a trap though :laughing:

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The problem is, noob players (mostly normal death) try to activate traps with stick, compass or arrow.


Some players are trying to click the signs to activate them. This is so funny :rofl:

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XD yes that’s very disturbing lol

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