Danish translation

I could help hive with translating into danish I’m a Dane so I know about danish. I’ve been sent here to make a suggestion by hives support team. This is my first post so we will see how it goes.

[Making hive accessible for danish talking people]

I’m a Dane and I would gladly do it for you

Currently the translation reports category are closed, but once they are reopen, feel free to make a suggested translation for the current in game translation

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That section is used to report bug in existing languages that are already translated… I don’t think they can do anything about danish there


We’d love to add support for more languages, and as Minecraft continues to implement client support for more languages, we will consider adding support for these languages on The Hive.

Unfortunately, we do not accept community contributed translations, but if Danish is to ever become a supported language, you would be more than welcome to submit bug reports and suggested improvements for it, over in Translation Bug Reports!


It definitely should be :blush: