Daily reward

Well x3 i really like hive but the reason i don`t get anything daily

so the reward can be ANYTHING like mount, hat tokens, pet, costume, ranks, etc…

1 loginstreak = 2 qp
10 loginstreak = hat (common)
20 loginstreak = mount (random)
25 loginstreak = hat (epic
30 loginstreak = hub title (hive (yellow) monthly (cyan) joiners (gold)) (yellow, cyan, and gold are the color for each word)
50 loginstreak = replay cinema
90 loginstreak = hive+
1 year = pet (endellolt), costume (time owl) mounth (Cruiser) hat (Horns)

why i type daily it cuz we will get qp i mean in the top there i write is like from 1 loginstreak to 10 loginstreak wich mean 2 loginstreak also count as getting 2 qp right? but 10 LS (LS is loginstreak) the player will not get 2 qp instead hat, but 20 LS the player only getting mount not mount and hat.

i hope you guys and hive staff understand

No way that would be added.

I mean first of all, a mount after 20 days?!?!?! I got a 20 day login streak when I wasn’t even trying to log in. Like, you realise that would kill all sales of mounts. And hive+ for 90 days? I don’t think I need to say why that’s an awful idea.

Also if you get 2 qp everyday, thats worse than the current when you get 30qp every 10 days.

You get the idea, this isnt a good or realistic suggestion.

(Also let’s wait for 10 people to comment this exact thing ↓)


i think its fine, other than the mount. unless its like the chair mount, dont add it

absolutely not dude, if hive were to actually add this, you’d at least need like 500+ days. Hive wants mounts and pets paid forever, besides the April fools items. This suggestion isnt realistic. But getting like FIFTY DOLLARS worth of items after 90 days? Just no.


I don’t think logging in a few times deserves that many rewards. Running a server costs money, and

are how they get that money. If this were added, the server would be dead within 3 months.


Aint no way Hive is giving anyone a free mount just for logging in for 20 days, nor replay cinema, hats, pets, or even Hive plus. The rewards are already good enough rn.

Also by the way, you already get the time owl costume for logging in for one year.


The login streak is absolutely fine as it is, the only thing I’d add is a hub title somewhere between 100 and 365 days.


They already do give you a hub title at 100 days, its called “The Dedicated”


You get 30qp every 10 days, a 10% xp boost after the first 10 days, a hub title on day 100, a costume for 365 days, and throughout the year there are various free items that you can claim. (Like the Advent calendar, the april fools jokes, the free costume on October 16th, and you could count the event quests/unlocks but I won’t.)
The point is, you already get a lot of stuff just for logging on, and adding a lot more just isn’t necessary.
This is though. This is very necessary.

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i Know this maybe a Dumb idea

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Hive+ is worth way more than 90 days of logging in


Bro why would you get a mount after 20 days

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Especially since for only ten more days you get a mere hub title.

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Maybe a 100 days?

I dont think that they will add so many rewards by logging in, but I really want to be at least like this:

1 day: nothing
2-7 days: 5 qp
7-14 days: 10 qp
14-30 days: 15 qp
30-50 days: 20 qp
50-100 days: 25 qp
100-150 days: 30 qp
150-200 days: 40 qp
200+ days: 50 qp

This is only for the quest points. Hub titles for the most matching day streaks, and possibly a hat at 100 days streaks.